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As a chemical engineer raising 6 beautiful daughters I was aware of the ingredients used in many hair and skin products that were harmful  to our bodies and the environment.  After searching for the best products to care for our hair,  we started creating  natural products that were non-toxic, enhanced our natural curl textures and made it amazingly more manageable.  12 FT VITALITY was named to represent the length of hair that can be achieved when properly cared for hair grows at its maximum rate and also 12 benefits from using our products. Our joy is to embrace the environment  and nourish the natural variations in textures and curls that we have.

The 12FT Vivacious four step system is

1. Stimulate – Stimulate the scalp for growth and balance

2. Nourish- Condition the Hair Strands with nourishing extracts and proteins

3. Moisturize/Flourish- Moisturize the strands and enhance your hair type

4. Protect- Seal in your moisture and protect your style

We like to think this 4 step system can be applied to all aspects of our lives  where we  are developing our path to greatness – from developing our beauty, our health, our minds, our children or our aspirations in life.